About Us

NeU is a Brain Science company with more than 20 years of legacy.
Our Mission is to improve the quality of life through brain science.

“NeU” provides practical ‘NEURO’ solutions with ‘NEW’ state-of-the-art brain science technology. Established in August 2017, NeU Corporation is the direct result of fusing the “cognitive brain science discoveries” of Tohoku University’s Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), together with the “portable brain measurement technology” of Hitachi’s High Tech.
Based on knowledge and technology of brain science developed and refined over more than 20 years, NeU has developed innovative solutions that focus on finding better ways to apply our expertise to societies and industries across the globe.
By “knowing” people better, we can contribute to improving the quality of life, ultimately building a society that is actively engaged with the world around them, and this is why NeU believes in the importance of understanding the state of one’s brain, from maintaining and extending healthy life expectancy to maintaining mental health and overall cognitive function in today’s global aging society.

Company Profile
NeU Corp.
Established August 1, 2017
Capital 100 million yen
Executive Members
CEO: Yoshito Nejime
Director (CTO): Ryuta Kawashima (Professor, IDAC, Tohoku University)
Director (part-time): Tetsuro Higuchi (TOHOKU Univ. Venture Partners)
Director (part-time): Ryosuke Fukami (Hitachi High-Tech)
Director (part-time): Rikuya Kondo (Mitsui Bussan CO., LTD.)
Headquarters: Niikura Building, 2-2 Kanda Tsukasamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN